"The elder are"like a hiding place from the wind". Oh sure they are when so much
wind come out of their mouth and rear. Let me stay in the storm. The elders I know
are going through hailstorms themselves created by the GB.
wednesday, august 10. holy spirit has appointed you overseers, to shepherd the congregation of god.—acts 20:28.. it is important that we show appreciation for god’s arrangement for shepherding his flock.
christian elders are a provision from jehovah, who always acts in our best interests.
the elders are “like a hiding place from the wind, a place of concealment from the rainstorm, like streams of water in a waterless land, like the shadow of a massive crag in a parched land.” (isa.
"The elder are"like a hiding place from the wind". Oh sure they are when so much
wind come out of their mouth and rear. Let me stay in the storm. The elders I know
are going through hailstorms themselves created by the GB.
i've noticed that within the past couple of decades, i don't see a lot of interracial relationships (ir, for short) in the org.. i, myself, was involved in an ir over 2-3 decades ago and was engaged to get married [my ethnicity is: african-american and latina; my ex-fiance's ethnicity is: scottish and italian].
he broke off the engagement, after three years of friendship and two years of dating, because his uncle and another brother (who was a temporary volunteer at bethel) pressured him to end our relationship [p.s.
: his mother was quite close to my mother, one of my sisters and one of my close cousins.
When I was serving in Central America with 4 other couples from the US one day
the conversation turned to IR couples. There were two white couples, two IR and the wife
and I black. My family and one of the white couple were the only ones with kids and our kids
were the same age, we both had a boy and girl. So I ask him one day, how do you feel about IR
marriages? His concern it would be difficult for them, this was in the early 70's he told me he
would try to discourage it. I respected that because my mom felt the same way especially in the 70's.
If my mom was still alive today she would have a heart attack, my family today my nephews, nieces and sons
it looks like the United Nation, but they all reside in California.
for those of us still in the borg, i thought this might be a good way of enjoying a get-together and enjoy the fellowship.. i don't know if this had been tried by anyone here.. rub a dub.
Karaoke night in the KH.https:www.youtube.com/watch2v=6RxpMyovusu
Worst Karaoke...
well it took awhile.
i've downsized.
got rid of my bmw.
"Jah's holy spirit that gifted you the highest honor of stepping foot onto precious Bethel grounds"....
raven. Didn't Satan hang out with Jah at one time, you talk about holy ground you can't get any
holier than that. Jehovah's spirit works in mystifying ways some times.
So if if Quarterback is moved by Jah's holy spirit to walk among his chosen people it's not the first time,
He loves disorder.
when jehovah brings armageddon, will he let me live long enough to witness the deaths of my children and grand children because they didn't believe in him?
since i've faded and i don't promote worshiping him anymore, i am just wondering.. at least i'd know for sure what kind of god he is?.
This competition should be added in the Olympics, A prayer off.
Hisham Mohammad(leader of ISIS) prayer, "I pray all you infidels die by
our sword and we 1.5 billion adherents live in peace". Their scores 5-5-5.
GB member, We can beat that,we pray all 7.4 billion go up in smoke. Their scores 10-10-10,
perfect score.
a thought struck me.
as young children we were known for often asking the question "but why?
" to anything and everything that we were told and presented with in life.
Sparrowdown: Agree. Samuel Johnson "Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics
of a vigorous intellect". This process stop when you become a JW, all the anserws are in the Bible.
overheard in the electronics department at our local walmart,.
"how would you like your own headphones for the meeting?
my attention caught, i look up to see a 3-year old in the shopping cart then hear him say in a high whiny voice, "i don't want to go to the meeting.
Our 8 year old grandson after spending the weekend with us told his mom,
"I can't wait until I'am a senior". Mom ask why, he told her "Papa and granny don't
do anything, they relax all day, eat what they want and don't answer to anyone".
when jehovah brings armageddon, will he let me live long enough to witness the deaths of my children and grand children because they didn't believe in him?
since i've faded and i don't promote worshiping him anymore, i am just wondering.. at least i'd know for sure what kind of god he is?.
Will he kill ISS followers or figure they were mislead. God did set a fine example for them in the OT.
Shouldn't there be a point where salvation is granted on a 1-10 bases.. For example murders , child molesters,liars, going beyond the scriptures, not make it. You know what, most JW's will not make it.
well it took awhile.
i've downsized.
got rid of my bmw.
He's not a troll,he is adding humor to our ex JW lives. I think it's funny as hell...
well it took awhile.
i've downsized.
got rid of my bmw.
Quarterback: OK this is a joke, right??? If not I know a nice friend of
mine, he's a doctor he works with people minds....